Subida ao Arunachala com o Krishnamurti, que foi o meu guia, dia 14/2/06.
Saudações da Índia, a todos vós, viajantes!
Abaixo encontra-se um pequeno trexo, que reflete a base do pensamento de Ramana Maharshi, em inghes, do Livro "Who am I?", num esquema de pergunta-resposta:
"1. Who am I?
The gross boby which is composed of the sevan humours (dhatus), I am not; the five cognitive sense organs, viz., the senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell, which apprehend their respective objects, viz, sound, touch, colour, taste and odour, I am not; the five cognative sense organs, viz., the organs of speech, locomotion, grasping, excretion and procreation, which have as their respective functions, speaking, moving, grasping, excreting and enjoying, I am not; the five vital airs, prana, etc., which perform respectively the five functions of in-breathing, etc., I am not; even the mind which thinks, I am not; the nescience too, which is endowed only with the residual impressions of objects and in which there are no objects and no functionings, I am not.
2 If I am none of these, then who am I?
After negating all of the above mentioned as "not this", "not this", that Awareness which alone remains - that I am.
3 What is the nature of Awareness?
The nature of Awareness is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss."